Vol. 1 No. 20 April 2000
In this issue:
Mr. Risk
Spider Widow
Links, Letters, etc.
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Pure Excitement Comics is maintained by Bill Nolan. |
Welcome to
Pure Excitement Comics, the number one source for original
Golden Age comic book reprints on the Web!
Hey, everybody,
welcome to the the 20th issue!
Our first feature this month,
is Zippo from Clue Comics no. 4 published in
June of 1943 by Hillman Periodicals, Inc. Zippo, a speedster who utilized bizarre motorized
wheels, appeared in Clue Comics 1-8.
Returning this month in the second spot
is Mr. Risk, reprinted from Super-Mystery Comics vol. 4 no. 1
(if anyone recognizes this story, I am missing two pages from the Magno & Davey story in the same issue
and would appreciate some scans... please e-mail me if you can help!),
published in January of 1944 by Ace Periodicals, Inc. Mr. Risk appeared in
Super-Mystery Comics from vol. 3 no. 2 onward, as well as
Our Flag Comics no. 5 and Four Favorites 6, 9 and 10.
In the third
spot this month, inspired by Bill Black's recent "Men of Mystery" no. 20, is
the Spider Widow and the Raven, from
Feature Comics no. 60, published in September 1942 by Comic Favorites, Inc./Quality Comics. This is the first
Quality Comics story I've reprinted here, hope you enjoy it. If you want to see more
Spider Widow tales, including a crossover with the original Phantom Lady, see the above-mentioned
issue of "Men of Mystery." The Spider Widow and the Raven appeared in Feature Comics 57-72.
Hope you enjoy this issue. Also,
my very first super-special CD-ROM, featuring the Target and the Targeteers, is now available!
More information about the disc, which costs $10 (shipped), can be found on the letters page!
Enjoy this issue first and then check it out!
All stories are believed to be in the public domain*.
If you enjoy this issue, be sure to write to let me know (it's also OK to write if you don't like this issue...all feedback is appreciated). You will find
a link to my Email on the page following the stories. And be sure to join my mailing list to find out when I update any portion of my web site!
* All stories are over 50 years
old and believed to be in the public domain. Should a story appear which is not in the public domain and the holder of the copyright is opposed to its inclusion in Pure Excitement Comics, it will be immediately removed from this site upon notification. Pure Excitement Comics is a non-profit operation and does not claim the copyright to any of these stories or characters.
Information for this page was found in Howard Keltner's Index to Golden Age
Comic Books. There is a new edition of this great book now available. Email Bob Klein for details on how to purchase a copy!