Vol. 1 No. 21 May 2000
In this issue:
Steel Fist
Lady Luck
Links, Letters, etc.
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Pure Excitement Comics is maintained by Bill Nolan. |
Welcome to
Pure Excitement Comics, the number one source for original
Golden Age comic book reprints on the Web!
Hey, everybody,
welcome to the the 21st issue!
Our first feature this month
is the Steel Fist, a virtual unknown from
Blue Circle Comics no. 5 (vol. 2 no. 2) published in March of
1945 by Enwil Associates, Inc. The Steel Fist, a hero who fought evil with
the aid of a metal gauntlet (but not two for some reason),
appeared in Blue Circle Comics 1-5.
Our second feature this issue
is Micro-Face, from Clue Comics no. 4 published in
June of 1943 by Hillman Periodicals, Inc. Micro-Face, who did not have a small face as
the odd name might suggest, but rather had some type of microphone set-up in his mask, appeared in
Clue Comics 1-7, 10, 11, and vol. 2 no. 3.
In the third
spot this month, by request, is Lady Luck, from
Smash Comics no. 44, published in July 1943 by Everett M. Arnold/Quality Comics.
Lady Luck appeared in Smash Comics 42-85 and Lady Luck Comics 86-90 (the title which
Smash Comics became at the end of its run).
Hope you enjoy this issue. Also,
my first CD-ROM, featuring the Target and the Targeteers, is still available!
More information about the disc, which costs $10 (shipped), can be found at
this link! They're going fast -- thankfully for you the supply
is unlimited!
All stories are believed to be in the public domain*.
If you enjoy this issue, be sure to write to let me know (it's also OK to write if you don't like this issue...all feedback is appreciated). You will find
a link to my Email on the page following the stories. And be sure to join my mailing list to find out when I update any portion of my web site!
* All stories are over 50 years
old and believed to be in the public domain. Should a story appear which is not in the public domain and the holder of the copyright is opposed to its inclusion in Pure Excitement Comics, it will be immediately removed from this site upon notification. Pure Excitement Comics is a non-profit operation and does not claim the copyright to any of these stories or characters.
Information for this page was found in Howard Keltner's Index to Golden Age
Comic Books. There is a new edition of this great book now available. Email Bob Klein for details on how to purchase a copy!